Thursday, March 29, 2007


Well it's finally Spring break. Yeah this is a time for fun, or happiness, or if you want to be a keener like Elise this would be a good time for homework. As more me I am not going anywhere so that homework thing is looking like a good idea. Luckily for me I'm not the only one who isn't going anywhere this fine spring break. Kim, Josi, and Amanda aren't going anywhere special, leaving them open for something to do. Speaking of which I get to go swimming with them tomorrow. FUN FUN FUN.

I remember a time when I didn't live in Calgary and spring break was called March break. See March break was held in March hence the name and is at the beginning of the month. Back then my family and I would go on exotic vacations to the Caribbean. That is obviously no more. The good news is, I do those trips during winter vacation, which is also during my birthday. Yay my birthday.

Hey good news, I have Crub tonight. Good old Crub. I really hope we get the 3 movement today, mainly cause the music is so fun. I can't wait. Ouuu, its also section selection tonight. That is when the section leader and captain of the section think a theme to dress up as. With our coolness we're going as robbers. Easy enough all we have to do is dress in black. Oh and have guns.

Well I guess that's all for today.



Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I feel like...

I feel like...

-Jumping off a bridge and landing in the ocean with a big giant splash
-Running around like a crazy idiot until i fall asleep
-NOT doing any homewrok for ever
-Marching backwards to a big step size with a fast tempo
-Sleeping forever like a squirrel or a dead thing, or maybe a random object
-doing nothing for ever

Yes random but i had do something.


And so ends another day of my life. I had a random ELA spelling test and with my greatness I got 100%. Oh yeah. Who is the best speller ever. Lots of random stuff happened today:

1.Woke up feeling to tired ( I usually feel a bit a wake)
2. Got out of the shower at like 6:45
3. Did shot put in gym class inside with medicine balls
4. Had my gym teacher as my math teacher telling us that we have a giant math test tomorrow (he claimed he told us this before but he didn't)
5. Checked out perhaps one of the biggest books I'll ever read
6. Ate lunch and found out that our little Micheal now has a girlfriend (Oh my)
7. I understood chemistry
8. Got 100% on an ELA test
9. I didn't have to bring my trumpet home
10. Have perverted people on my bus talk about having fun and well ummm... doing other stuff ( these are guys saying this)
11. Got off the bus with Robyn trying to make me convince me to get everybody to go swimming later on Friday
12. Got home and did my homework (NO)
13. My brother took off his shirt in front of me
14. Now I'm doing this

So I guess it wasn't weird in fact normal maybe I'd like to have different days ( for all I know it would be normal for others). How weird.

Oh my god I just thought of something oh god being raped by a guy (If you would like his name tough cause I won't give it to you). Well supposedly I'm married to him, ya we got married one day on the bus. And from then on he either says " Hi Cutie" or touches my ass. *Shudders*. Hey actually I'm married to numerous people how weird. Wow how random, I mean it's not actually anything but it's somehow funny. lol.

So today we did locker clean up and because of my organizational skills and my clean locker i stood in front of my locker for 15 minutes looking like I was cleaning I got ridiculed by my other wise Superior talent of cleaning.

I like pretty colours. Lets make a sentence in pretty colours. HI My name is joe and i work in a button factory!!!!!!

I love that song

Peece People

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


OMG, yes I finally finished my stupid ELA assignment which I just started and is due on Thursday. I am just too good.

Well today i've been thinking non stop about all my trumpet friends (mainly stetson friends) don't worry CRUB trumpet friends I think about you guys too, except for the fact that well I see you every thursday. But seriously I super wish I could be in Stetsons right now just for my friends. Then again I kinda prefer the Crub style, with me and Kim and us being captains, oh and of coarse who can forget HOW GOOD KIM IS! Your welcome Kim I just had to say that. Also I love how this years show is so exiting and extravagent and fast. I meen if you don't like marching quickly with a big step size (except for kim becasue of her bari sax) then I don't how to make you happy.

Oh then there's that whole tons of performances, I meen like Red Deer, Stampede Parade, Six Flags, Stampede, Magarth show, Mcmahon Stadium, etc. Wow this might be without a doubt on of my favorite years of my life.

Plus you get to spend time with all your friends in a random new country (well ok so the US is not new but Sweden and Denmark was). BOC rules everything, and so does being a band geek, but hey it pays off when your older.


Thanks guys

Wow guys, right away you comment on how bad I am at this and how I am not using good grammar. Well now I am trying to use better grammar. So are you enjoying my perfectionest writing, probably not considering that you guys are commenting on how lame I am.

By the way JOSI i decided to change my password so you can't hack me anymore and write perverded stuff about me that's not even true. Haha.

Again I have nothing to write this is kind of fun, writing random stuff.

Oh well I tried my best

Peace peoples

P.S. I hope that was good enough for you guys

Monday, March 26, 2007


Wow this is super random, considering the fact that i have never actually done this i wonder what people are going to say about me, maybe good stuff maybe bad. i guess the main reason i made this blog was cause my friends were doing this oh well I'm bored all ready. OH GOD HOW DO U GUYS WRITE SO MUCH I HAVE NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT I FEEL LIKE AN AMATEUR.I don't know anything I'm sitting in hole with no one around me. lol I'm not emo so I guess I'm really not sitting in a hole.

this part is for my lover and she knows who she is if she ever reads this but ya I'm sorry that nobody really appreciated your work at band camp but hey i know i did you great. oh steph and josi u suck god all u like to do is insult me well now i know how to read those little conversations behind my back muhahaha.

getting bored again i guess this will be it just for today but ill be back!

trumpet king