Wednesday, March 28, 2007

And so ends another day of my life. I had a random ELA spelling test and with my greatness I got 100%. Oh yeah. Who is the best speller ever. Lots of random stuff happened today:

1.Woke up feeling to tired ( I usually feel a bit a wake)
2. Got out of the shower at like 6:45
3. Did shot put in gym class inside with medicine balls
4. Had my gym teacher as my math teacher telling us that we have a giant math test tomorrow (he claimed he told us this before but he didn't)
5. Checked out perhaps one of the biggest books I'll ever read
6. Ate lunch and found out that our little Micheal now has a girlfriend (Oh my)
7. I understood chemistry
8. Got 100% on an ELA test
9. I didn't have to bring my trumpet home
10. Have perverted people on my bus talk about having fun and well ummm... doing other stuff ( these are guys saying this)
11. Got off the bus with Robyn trying to make me convince me to get everybody to go swimming later on Friday
12. Got home and did my homework (NO)
13. My brother took off his shirt in front of me
14. Now I'm doing this

So I guess it wasn't weird in fact normal maybe I'd like to have different days ( for all I know it would be normal for others). How weird.

Oh my god I just thought of something oh god being raped by a guy (If you would like his name tough cause I won't give it to you). Well supposedly I'm married to him, ya we got married one day on the bus. And from then on he either says " Hi Cutie" or touches my ass. *Shudders*. Hey actually I'm married to numerous people how weird. Wow how random, I mean it's not actually anything but it's somehow funny. lol.

So today we did locker clean up and because of my organizational skills and my clean locker i stood in front of my locker for 15 minutes looking like I was cleaning I got ridiculed by my other wise Superior talent of cleaning.

I like pretty colours. Lets make a sentence in pretty colours. HI My name is joe and i work in a button factory!!!!!!

I love that song

Peece People


StephJP said...


That was special.

Nico Bortolin said...

why thank you

Kim said...

Yay pretty colours!! And congrats on the ELA test. Maybe it was your improved blog grammar that helped you.

Nico Bortolin said...

nice kim

Joi Grey said...

Ahaha, yeah I have yet to take that test, I imagine I might want to take a quick look at the words I shall be spelling. I probably won't though