Monday, March 26, 2007


Wow this is super random, considering the fact that i have never actually done this i wonder what people are going to say about me, maybe good stuff maybe bad. i guess the main reason i made this blog was cause my friends were doing this oh well I'm bored all ready. OH GOD HOW DO U GUYS WRITE SO MUCH I HAVE NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT I FEEL LIKE AN AMATEUR.I don't know anything I'm sitting in hole with no one around me. lol I'm not emo so I guess I'm really not sitting in a hole.

this part is for my lover and she knows who she is if she ever reads this but ya I'm sorry that nobody really appreciated your work at band camp but hey i know i did you great. oh steph and josi u suck god all u like to do is insult me well now i know how to read those little conversations behind my back muhahaha.

getting bored again i guess this will be it just for today but ill be back!

trumpet king


Duncan said...

Welcome to the world of bloggyness. And honestly, I have no idea how to write as much as everyone else. The only reason my last post was so long was because I wrote every single though I had within five minutes.

Joi Grey said...

Umm your profile... I made that, there's a few things you might want to change... so umm yeah... I'd get to that if I were you.

StephJP said...

Nico. You need practice. Seriously.

And we don't talk behind your back, yeesh.

Kim said...

Grammar!! And now I get to be a "lover"? Sweet. Sounds very... forbidden. Also, just to notify you, I'm having an affair. With turns!! Meaning the musical term of course. Anyways...

Love the blog, post with better sentence structure, I'll keep commenting!


Nico Bortolin said...

Thank you very much guys, but i'd prefer if you don't comment my english language ways.